Elon Musk's venture into the social media landscape took an unexpected turn as his platform X, formerly Twitter, faced a staggering 71.5% decline in value since his acquisition in October 2022. What was initially a $44 billion investment now stands at a mere $12.5 billion, prompting a closer look at the factors contributing to this dramatic downturn. The Acquisition In October 2022, Elon Musk made headlines by acquiring Twitter for a hefty sum of $44 billion. His vision, as expressed, aimed beyond financial gains, emphasizing a broader purpose to benefit humanity. Rebranding and Challenges The platform underwent a transformation, rebranded as X in July 2023. However, this change was accompanied by a 15% drop in monthly users during the first year under Musk's ownership. Reports suggest that X cut its staff by at least 50% and scaled back content moderation, leading to concerns about the platform's ability to manage disinformation. User Drops and Advertiser Exodus The decl
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