India celebrated the dawn of 2024 with a groundbreaking achievement in space exploration. The X-ray Polarimeter Satellite (XPoSAT) successfully lifted off at 9:10 am on Monday, marking a significant leap in advanced astronomy. This mission, led by the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), is poised to delve into the enigmatic realm of black holes and neutron stars.Mission Objectives:The primary goal of XPoSAT is to unravel the secrets of black holes, remnants of stellar deaths, and neutron stars. Dr. Varun Bhalerao, an astrophysicist at IIT-Bombay, highlights the mission's aim to understand the fundamental functioning of the universe.Scientific Significance:In an exclusive interview with NDTV's Science Editor Pallava Bagla, Dr. Bhalerao explained the intricate nature of this scientific endeavor. Unlike conventional experiments, studying objects light-years away demands sophisticated observatories. The key lies in analyzing the spectrum and understanding how brightness chan
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